Davoud Biria

دکتر   داود بی ریا


       Microbial Regeneration of NADH in a bio-electrosynthesis system, Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF), 2020 -2021

       Enzymatic Biodegradation of Polymers (LDPE and PLA), Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF) & Rose Polymer Company, 2018-2020

       Electrochemical regeneration of NADH to catalyze enzymatic conversion of CO2 to formate, Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF), 2017-2019

       Removal of oil, fat and grease from the sewer lines, case study of Mashhad city, Khorasan Razavi water and waste water treatment company, 2018-2019

       Platinum bio-recovery from the spent refinery catalysts, National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC), 2017-2018

       Crude Oil Dewatering by an efficient bio-demulsifier, National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC), 2017-2018

       Treatment of the leachate of the composting process by a microbial fuel cell system, Waste management organization of Isfahan municipality, University of Isfahan 2013-2014

  • Bioremediation of Petroleum Contaminated water and Soil, Esfahan Oil Refining Company, 2012-2014